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Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact of PSHE.

Curriculum Intent of PSHE

At Shustoke C of E Primary School, the intent of our PSHE curriculum is to cultivate a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment that reflects our Christian values and upholds British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance towards those with differing faiths and beliefs. Central to our approach is the SCARF framework, which stands for Safety, Caring, Achieving, Resilience, and Friendship. This model effectively addresses the holistic development of our pupils, ensuring that they acquire essential life skills while promoting emotional well-being.

Curriculum Implementation of PSHE

The implementation of the SCARF programme has been thoughtfully tailored to meet the specific needs of our students while aligning with our values as a Church of England school. We prioritise lessons that resonate with our ethos, leading to the intentional removal of certain non-compulsory lessons that do not contribute to our core objectives. This refinement allows for a focused delivery of content that is relevant and impactful.

Curriculum Structure

  • Weekly PSHE Lessons: Each lesson focuses on a specific aspect of the SCARF framework, incorporating engaging materials and activities to promote active participation. We employ diverse teaching strategies, including group discussions, role-play, storytelling, practical activities, and creative projects, ensuring varied learning experiences.
  • Embedding FBV and SMSC: Our curriculum explicitly supports the teachings of FBV through units that explore key concepts such as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, tolerance, and mutual respect. SMSC development is fundamental and integrated into all areas of learning, particularly emphasising:
  • Spiritual Development: Providing opportunities for reflection, mindfulness practices, and exploring personal beliefs and values. Moral Development: Facilitating discussions surrounding ethical dilemmas, fairness, and social justice to deepen understanding of moral reasoning.
  • Social Development: Engaging in team-building activities and community projects that encourage collaboration, respect, and empathy towards others.
  • Cultural Development: Celebrating diversity through cultural awareness activities, promoting understanding and appreciation of various traditions, beliefs, and lifestyles.
  • Cross-Curricular Links: PSHE is not confined to designated lessons; we promote an integrated approach by linking themes across subjects, such as Science (health), English (communication), and Geography (cultural awareness), ensuring that skills and concepts are reinforced in real-life contexts.
  • Assessment for Learning (AfL): We assess PSHE through formative assessment strategies during lessons and through pre and post-assessments, utilising SCARF folders and evidence photo pages. This method allows us to monitor pupil progress and understanding, adapting our teaching accordingly to meet individual needs.
  • Professional Development: Staff receive regular, targeted training on delivering effective PSHE lessons, particularly on sensitive topics such as mental health, online safety, and relationship education. We provide ongoing resources, including lesson plans and training workshops, to enhance teachers' confidence and expertise in facilitating discussions around FBV and SMSC.

Curriculum Impact of PSHE

The impact of our PSHE curriculum design will lead to children making significant progress over time across key stages, relative to each child's unique starting point. Our approach fosters enthusiastic learners, as demonstrated through various means, including pupil feedback, teacher observations, and academic performance. We ensure that all students, including those who excel and those who require extra support, are identified, and additional strategies and provisions are discussed with class teachers. We also explore other opportunities, such as clubs and special projects, to support children demonstrating exceptional talent in interpersonal skills.

In conclusion, the SCARF approach is integral to our mission at Shustoke C of E Primary School to develop well-rounded, resilient individuals who can thrive in a diverse and complex society.