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- Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact of Art and Design.
Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact of Art and Design.
Curriculum Intent of Art and Design
“Art and design stimulates creativity and imagination. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a unique way of understanding and responding to the world."
As a school, we believe that Art is a vital and integral part of a child's education. It should provide challenges, inspire and engage children. Art should equip a child with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design with the freedom to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding. It contributes to a child's personal development in creativity, independence and self-reflection. Furthermore, art and design ought to develop a child's understanding of their own and others' cultural heritages through studying a diverse range of male and female artists and designers throughout history.
Curriculum Implementation of Art and Design
- At Shustoke School, an art unit is taught in every year group, once a term.
- Each child has a sketchbook. We give the child ownership of their sketchbook in order to foster their sense of creativity. Children use their sketchbooks to make initial sketches, develop skills, record ideas and develop opinions.
- Throughout their artistic journey, every child is given the opportunity to complete a unit of work based on sculpture, painting and drawing.
- Through in-depth discussion, the pupils explore how their art can share commonalities with famous art and use subject-specific vocabulary to discuss key artworks and their own work.
- In the development of confident art critics, the pupils share their opinions and make informed observations about what will improve their own practical work.
- Opportunities for children to visit local art galleries and museums are planned, as well as visits from local artists.
- Teachers follow a clear progression of skills which ensures all pupils are challenged in line with their year group expectations and are given the opportunity to build on their prior knowledge.
- Effective CPD and standardisation opportunities are available to staff to ensure high levels of confidence and knowledge are maintained.
- To support teaching, staff access a range of resources and planning documents overseen by the subject leader.
Curriculum Impact of Art and Design
The impact of this curriculum design will lead to children making outstanding progress over time across key stages relative to a child’s individual starting point and their progression of skills.
Our Art curriculum will also lead pupils to be enthusiastic Art learners, evidenced in a range of ways, including pupil voice, their final pieces and sketchbooks. We ensure that children who are achieving well, as well as those who need additional support, are identified, and additional provision and strategies are planned in and discussed with class teachers. Other avenues, like art clubs, are also explored for those children displaying exceptional talent in art.