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SCARF taught at Shustoke

What will my child learn in SCARF lessons?

For each year group, there are six suggested themed units which provide a complete PSHE and wellbeing curriculum.

They are: Me and My Relationships Explores feelings and emotions, develops skills to manage conflict, helps identify our special people and equips children to recognise the qualities of healthy friendships and how to manage them.

Valuing Difference Includes a strong focus on British Values, helps children to develop respectful relationships with others, recognise bullying and understand their responsibilities as a bystander.

Keeping Myself Safe Covers a number of safety aspects from statutory Relationships Education including being able to identify trusted adults in their lives, what to do when faced with a dilemma and recognising appropriate and inappropriate touch.

Rights and Responsibilities Explores broader topics including looking after the environment, economic education and the changing rights and responsibilities children have as they grow older.

Being My Best Includes a focus on keeping physically healthy, developing a growth mindset and resilience, setting goals and ways to achieve them.

Growing and Changing Age-appropriate plans to cover the physical and emotional changes that happen to children as they grow older, including changes at puberty and how to approach this with confidence.