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The Big Party

Open the Book told the story of 'The Big Party'. 

In the story, a man planned a large banquet and sent out invitations. When the banquet was ready, he sent his servant to contact each of the invited guests, telling them that all was ready and the meal was about to start. One after another, the guests made excuses not to come. One had just bought a piece of land and said he had to go see it. Another had purchased some oxen and said he was on the way to yoke them up and try them out . Another gave the excuse that he was newly married and therefore could not come. When the master of the house heard these excuses, he was angry. He told his servant to forget the guest list and go into the back streets and alleyways of the town and invite “the poor, the blind and the lame”. The servant had already brought in the down-and-out townspeople, and still there was room in the banquet hall. So the master sent his servant on a broader search: “Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full”.

Dear God, we are thankful that you love everyone in the World in the same way, rich and poor, sick and in good health, old and young. We give thanks that we are all important to you. Amen