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16th October 2024

Today Reverend Mark came in to talk about how in the Bible it says 'Jesus is the light of the world'. Christians believe that they should be like Jesus and be lights in the world so when it is dark, they should light up the area.  We can do this by treating everyone we come across with love and compassion and with the care that Jesus showed.  

We thought about different ways we could help someone.


Dear God,

We pray for the people in this world who might be scared.

We pray that they have peace.

Please help us to show love and kindness and compassion to all people.

Help us to be shinning lights for all to see.  

Thank you





2nd October 2024

Reverend Mark come in with some of his friends this week.  They shared the story: David the shepherd boy, 1 Samuel 16:1-13

Jesse and his eight sons live in Bethlehem. God had sent Samuel to visit them. He has an important job to do. Samuel has to choose one of the sons to be the next king. Jesse brings seven of his sons to meet Samuel. Each time, God says to Samuel, "No, he will not be the new king." will Samuel do now? Jesse tells Samuel that he has one more son, David. David is the youngest son. He is out on the hills looking after the sheep, he's a shepherd boy. David comes to meet Samuel. God says "yes, this is the right son. One day he will be king." Samuel pours special oil onto David's head to show that David is special to God. David knows God loves him and has chosen him for a very important job.

 Dear God,

Thank you for the celebration of harvest.

Thank you for our food.

Thank you for the rain, the soil, the sun and the farmers who grow our crops.

Help us always to remember to say thank you.

Please help us always to think about the needs of others.
